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Logo of SWEP NJ: profile of woman facing leftward flanked by three green leaves with long stems Shorebird Migration: An Incredible Journey (Society of Women Environmental Professionals-NJ Chapter & Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ)

Please join the Society of Women Environmental Professionals New Jersey Chapter and Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey for a virtual event on Thursday, March 10, 2022 @ 4:30-5:15 p.m.! It will feature a presentation on migratory shorebirds and navigating through the regulatory process for rare, threatened, and endangered species as part of land use permitting. 

Logo of Surfrider Foundation Jersey Shore (Stylized blue wave) Beach Clean-Up (Surfrider Foundation Jersey Shore)

On Saturday, March 5, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Jersey Shore Chapter of Surfrider Foundation is hosting a beach cleanup in Ocean Grove, NJ in Monmouth County. 

"Save the Bees" campaign logo with graphic of a bee "New Jersey passes bee-saving legislation" (Environment New Jersey)

Bee-killing pesticides have driven bee populations down for decades. But not for much longer in New Jersey, where thousands of citizens succeeded in standing up for our best pollinators by advocating for the passage of Bill S1016/A2070.  This Bill classifies neonicotinoid insecticides, also known as neonics, as restricted-use pesticides. New Jersey is the sixth state to adopt this save-the-bees policy, which limits non-agricultural uses of neonics. 


NJ Pinelands Commission logo of a sprig of pine and a pine cone surrounded by text State of NJ Pinelands Commission: Climate Committee Meeting on Friday, February 25, 2022 @ 9:30 a.m.

The State of NJ Pinelands Commission Climate Committee’s upcoming meeting shall take place on Friday, February 25, 2022 @ 9:30 a.m. The meeting will include discussion of a draft resolution amending Pinelands Commission Resolution PC4-20-37 to express the Commission’s support of the goals of the New Jersey Global Warming Response Act and intention to implement strategies that will contribute to the State’s meeting its 2050 greenhouse gas emission target.

Greyscale image of Harriet Tubman overlaid with leaves "Celebrating Harriet Tubman, the ‘ultimate outdoorswoman’ for freedom" (New Jersey Conservation Foundation, February 17, 2022)

Harriet Tubman is legendary for her intelligence, sense of justice and, above all, extreme courage in repeatedly risking her life to help some 70 people escape slavery.

What else did it take for Tubman to lead her charges hundreds of miles to freedom in the 1850s while eluding capture? Exceptional outdoor skills.

Former D&R Greenway Board Chair Brian Breuel, Betty Wold Johnson, and Linda Mead standing in front of a podium D&R Greenway Land Trust Receives Significant Gift Of Land From NY Jets Owners In Honor Of Their Mother Betty Wold Johnson

D&R Greenway Land Trust, a leading conservation nonprofit dedicated to preserving and caring for land across central New Jersey, today announced that the family of the late Betty Wold Johnson has gifted to the organization the renowned philanthropist’s nearly 800-acre historic Hopewell farm. Betty Wold Johnson supported the land trust’s mission for more than a quarter century. With this exceptional gift, D&R Greenway begins 2022 with more than 22,000 acres of land preserved in New Jersey.

Circular logo of The Native Plant Society of New Jersey, with outline of the state in green overlaid by 3 violet flowers "Native Host Plants for New Jersey Butterflies" webinar on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 @ 7:30 PM (The Native Plant Society of New Jersey: Bergen-Passaic Chapter)

Most of our beautiful butterflies sip nectar from flowers for their food, but what they eat when they're in the not so pretty caterpillar stage is just as important! This program will introduce you to many of New Jersey's 125 fascinating species of butterflies - from the Least Skipper to the Giant Swallowtail - and to the native plants they and their caterpillars depend on, many which you can grow in your garden.

Flyer with photo of teacher holding bucket surrounded by children and their parents in the woods after snowfall February Festivities at Trailside on February 19 & 21, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m. (Trailside Nature & Science Center)

The Trailside Nature & Science Center located within Union County’s Watchung Reservation in Mountainside, NJ is hosting family-friendly February Festivities during the Presidents' Day Holiday weekend on February 19 & 21, 2022.

A black-and-white drawing of Dr. Still wearing a suit with his signature below Celebrating Black History: Dr. James Still (Pinelands Preservation Alliance)

The theme of Black History Month for 2022 is Black Health and Wellness. A great way to kick it off is with the legendary story of Dr. James Still. (Article by Becky Free, published February 1, 2022)

This is a photo of Cramer Hill Waterfront Park in Camden, NJ. The photo shows a black bridge connecting wooded riverbanks. "Beyond the Dream to a Vision of Green" (Rutgers-Camden Campus News)

"A Rutgers Law Camden student and a Rutgers–New Brunswick alumnus helped transform an abandoned Camden landfill into a waterfront park and a community center, embracing the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision that presaged the environmental justice movement."

This article is from Rutgers–Camden Office of Civic Engagement's "Beyond the Dream" series to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Article by Sam Starnes, published January 13, 2022)

Event flyer with a photo of wooded pond and the text, "33rd Annual Pinelands Short Course" and the date (March 12, 2022). 33rd Annual Pinelands Short Course on Saturday, March 12, 2022 (New Jersey Pinelands Commission/Stockton University)

The Pinelands Short Course is a daylong event co-sponsored by the New Jersey Pinelands Commission & Stockton University. It features many educational presentations that explore the unique history, ecology, and culture of the Pinelands.

Event flyer showing date, time, and speaker bios. 7th Annual Acting Locally for a More Sustainable World Conference on Saturday, February 12, 2022 (Northeast Earth Coalition)

This virtual event from the Northeast Earth Coalition (NEEC) based in Montclair, NJ will explore issues of climate change, environmental justice, and local sustainability.


London Plane Trees, Hoboken In Praise of the London Plane Tree; Town Planning Stuff Everyone Should Know

Hoboken’s first parks — Church Square, Columbus, Stevens and Elysian — dating from the late 1880s to 1912, all contain London plane trees. What remarkable foresight the city leaders of that era had, as their investment has lasted for over a century. Potentially, they could last another century as these trees are known to have a lifespan of several hundred years. In Hoboken, they have provided a slice of nature for generations of urban dwellers. Today, these trees have grown to an immense stature, some with trunks expanding to three feet in diameter and reaching heights of fifty feet.

NJBA Logo (bee on green state map of NJ surrounded by honeycombs and encircled in yellow) New Jersey Beekeepers Association: 2022 Beekeeping Courses

The Essex County Beekeepers Society, Raritan Valley Beekeepers Association, and South Jersey Beekeepers Association are offering courses on sustainable beekeeping for beginners in early 2022. Registration is now open, and scholarships are available for New Jersey students.  

Climate Safe Elizabeth Logo Groundwork Elizabeth Climate Safe Neighborhoods Survey 2021

"Climate change is affecting all of us. It is making our city hotter and wetter than ever but there are ways to cool and dry our neighborhoods using green infrastructure. We want to hear from you about how you've experienced heat and flooding and what the city should do about it."

The Climate Safe Neighborhoods Task Force will take the results of this survey to the City and discuss how they can help to cool and dry our community."

Smithville Holiday Tree Light Show Historic Smithville Holiday Tree Light Show

For families who love the outdoors, the holidays, and music – this is a must-see display. Gaze across Lake Meone as over 120 decorated, brightly lit trees magically float across the smooth waters. After sundown, the light show begins, as the trees seem to dance as the lights synchronize to your favorite holiday tunes. The reflections of the lights on the water beneath creates an even grander show for New Jersey families to enjoy together.

Climate Change Report, NJDEP New Jersey’s first statewide Climate Change Resilience Strategy - Released October 12, 2021

The Climate Change Resilience Strategy includes recommendations to promote the long-term mitigation, adaptation, and resilience of New Jersey’s economy, communities, infrastructure, and natural resources throughout the State.

recycling, food waste signage New Jersey Climate Change Alliance - Sustainable Organic Material Management Plan

In August, 2021, the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance Organics Workgroup finalized a Sustainable Organic Material Management Plan for New Jersey to help inform work going forward to reduce wasted food, feed those in need, and drive organics away from landfills which are significant contributors to methane emissions.

Cape May Fall Festival New Jersey Audubon to host Cape May Fall Festival

Join them in-person from Thursday evening, October 14th through Sunday, October 17th!

Anne Greene, Artist; Watercolor, Delaware River Garden State Watercolor Society’s 51st Annual Art Exhibit “Recovery”

D&R Greenway Land Trust announces the reopening of its Marie L. Matthews Art Gallery at its Johnson Education Center in Princeton with the aptly named exhibit “Recovery” in partnership with the Garden State Watercolor Society (GSWS).

New Jersey Fall Foliage - week of 10-18-2021 Happy autumn from the New Jersey Forest Service!

The time has come to start planning your fall foliage adventures throughout New Jersey and New Jersey State Parks, Forests & Historic Sites!

Rudbeckia fulgida, Black-eyed Susan, native flower Be a Backyard Steward - by Raritan Headwaters Association's Sandy Perry

If you want to be a good steward of the land, water and environment, one great place to start is your own backyard.

By being a backyard steward, each of us can boost the ecological value of our gardens, lawns, landscaping and woodlands. Collectively, this can make a big difference for people, wildlife, and the health of our rivers and streams.

satellite image, hurricane eye As storm season begins, report details potential damage to polluted sites - NJ Spotlight News - June 8, 2021

The northeast tops list of regions with Superfund sites most impacted by hurricanes. New Jersey is at 'incredible risk'.

camping at night, tent, wilderness New Jersey Audubon - Summer Nature Camp Programs are here!

This year NJ Audubon is offering FOUR great summer nature camp options to choose from! Whatever kind of summer nature camp you are looking for we have got you covered.

Scholarships and/or financial aid available. Please contact us at

Delaware River, River Vax and Visit with the State Parks Vax Pass

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is offering a FREE State Parks Vax Pass under the new “Vax and Visit” campaign to all New Jersey residents who receive at least one dose of their COVID-19 vaccination by July 4, 2021!