A new addition this year – pre-registration is required! The state mandates that there be no more than 50 people at outdoor gatherings, so cleanup participation is limited. Below are the locations and times of each cleanup. By visiting https://thewatershed.org/stream-cleanups/ you will be able to register for your participation and click on the location for Google directions to each site.
April 17 Events
Cranbury: Village Park 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Franklin: Naaman Williams Park 9:30am – 12pm [event full]
Hightstown: Peddie Lake 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Millstone: Municipal Bldg 9am – 12pm
Plainsboro: Municipal Recreation Bldg 9am – 11am [links to external site]
Princeton: Grover Park 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
April 24 Events
East Windsor: Etra Lake Park 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Ewing: Hollowbrook Community Center 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Lawrence East: Colonial Lake Park 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Lawrence West: Lawrence Nature Center 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Monroe: Community Garden 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Montgomery: Hobler Park 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Trenton: George Page Park 9am – 10am | 10am – 11am
Please check and follow all local and regional regulations and guidelines in regard to COVID-19. Always wear gloves when picking up litter and avoid any direct contact with trash. Only pick up trash in areas where you feel safe and comfortable!
Cleanups - Virtually Everywhere!
If you would rather keep your distance while cleaning up your community, participate in our Virtual Cleanups! The next time you go outside or take your dog for a walk, grab gloves and a bag and pick up trash on the way. You can pick up litter during a walk around the neighborhood, in your backyard, in the street, in a nearby park, or anywhere else you see trash on the ground. Make sure to maintain social distancing from others—giving others at least six-feet of room from other people — and be sure to wear gloves.
You can also help by reporting illegal dumping: www.stopdumping.nj.gov/