Proportions, materials used and the application of the components to the hook will all be considered in determining a winner. Flies entered in the contest are reviewed by a panel of EJTU judges. The prior year's contest winner, EJTU Board member Bruce Seiden has selected the classic Catskill style dry fly pattern “Adams” for the upcoming year. As the previous winner Bruce will also serve the contest’s lead judge.
Entries (Maximum of three entries per entrant) must be turned in at one of our monthly chapter meetings or delivered to any EJTU Board of Directors Member to allow for judging. All entries should be individually pack-aged with the tier's name and phone number.
All flies entered in the contest become the property of EJTU. The winner of the contest will be announced at EJTU's annual banquet in March. Entries are due no later than February 29th, 2020.
For more information, visit: Frank B. Hall Memorial Fly Tying Contest - East Jersey Trout Unlimited (