The goal of LSB is to connect the public to seed and agriculture history in NJ through seed libraries by bringing seeds back to the counties and state they originated in. The local seed libraries provide a permanent home for this through community-based programs. The distribution policy is determined by the entity. Some libraries distribute to their patrons only, others to the general public. Businesses distribute to the public.
A seed library contains open-pollinated and heirloom seeds that are stored at a public library, or other community venue. People who use seed libraries are asked to grow the seeds and requested to bring seeds back, although it is not a requirement. When seeds are returned, it encourages this self-sustaining community project.
Seed libraries provide free and open access to seeds, and are a buffer against seed privatization by large multinational agrichemical corporations. It’s estimated that 60% of all seed lines are owned by four corporations. Seed libraries provide an opportunity for community development, and education about the importance of preserving food biodiversity, and they keep the art of seed saving alive.
A continually updated list of seed libraries in New Jersey is maintained at the following link: