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Cranford Environmental Commission


8 Springfield Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016




(908) 709-7200


The Cranford Environmental Commission is a statutory board of seven regular Cranford-resident members and two alternates Cranford resident-members. One regular member is designated as the Chair. One of the regular members is also a Planning Board member. The Environmental Commission will study and make recommendations concerning open space preservation, water resources management, air pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, environmental appearance, marine resources and protection of flora and fauna. The Commission’s charge is to promote the conservation, protection, development, or use of all Cranford’s natural and water resources by:

  • Planning local conservation programs and informing and recommending these programs to the public and the Township Committee;
  • Implementing conservation programs authorized by the Township Committee;
  • Compiling an index of all public and privately owned open spaces and recommend their uses to the Planning Board.
  • Making recommendations on all development plans before the Planning Board as they affect Cranford’s natural and water resources and environment with a focus on conserving and protecting the use of Cranford’s natural and water resources and maintaining or enhancing the environment;
  • Recommending plans and programs to the Planning Board for inclusion in the Master Plan;
  • Advertising, preparing, and distributing materials necessary to implement the Commission’s activities;
  • Coordinating community conservation matters and as the Township liaison for conservation needs with regional, state, and federal agencies;
  • Acquiring real and personal property to administer, maintain, improve, limit future use of, or conserve and properly utilize open spaces and other land and water areas in the Township; and
  • Producing an annual report of Commission activities.

Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month except in July and August or as otherwise noted.
Meetings are held on the second floor of the Cranford Township Community Center, located at 220 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey 07016.

Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m.