555 Centre Street
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 429-4700, ext. 318
Pursuant to state law, the Environmental Commission is as an advisory body to the Planning Board and Borough Commissioners on matters affecting Haddonfield's natural and built environment. Seven members, two alternates and a secretary serve on the Commission. Each of the seven members is appointed to serve for a three year term, with the Alternates serving for two year terms. The secretary position is not an appointed position.
Haddonfield's Environmental Commission has participated in preparing open space plans, conducted environmental assessments, helped secure state funding for park acquisition and improvements, conducted public education efforts on a variety of topics and held annual Earth Day celebrations at the Crows Woods Nature Preserve. The Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in Room 201 at 7:30 p.m. and interested residents are welcome.