“D&R Greenway Showcases Charity Plots for Food Security, Healing, and Community”
In celebration of our first season, meet our gardeners and hear how the vision of a Victory Garden became reality.
Watch the garden grow in photos beginning with creation of the unique socially-distanced garden plots through the bountiful harvest of vegetables, herbs and flowers.
Hear from Liz Maziarz of Aunt Chubby’s, a Hopewell restaurant, how the many boxes of produce donated from our charity gardens supported meals for local families in need.
Learn how gardening during a pandemic became a saving grace of healing and community.
FREE via Zoom
Thursday November 19 from 5-6 pm
Bring your favorite beverage to
our special Thanksgiving Virtual Happy Hour:
“First Year Harvest: St. Michaels Victory Gardens”
Sign-up at RSVP@drgreenway.org no later than 1:00 p.m. on November 19
Or call Deb Kilmer at 609-578-7470 to reserve your space and receive instructions for this FREE Zoom event!