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Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Natural Climate Solutions Grants Public Information Session (Thursday, May 19, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.)

About: Project grant awards will range from $250,000 to $5 million. Applicants for blue and green carbon grants should demonstrate that the projects will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing carbon storage capacity in biomass (i.e., trees and plants) and soils, will reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions caused by increasing salinity of coastal waters or changing land use, and will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by preventing soil loss. 

 Entities that may apply are: 

  • State, county and local government units within New Jersey, including State government agencies or school boards 
  • New Jersey universities and colleges 
  • Interstate agencies of which New Jersey is a member 
  • Private landowners owning property in New Jersey (note: private property project applicants must provide at least 25% matching funds) 
  • Local nonprofit organizations  

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